Carter Yagemann

Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the Ohio State University with interests in automated vulnerability discovery, root cause analysis, exploit prevention, and cyber-physical security.


Is your data really gone? Explaining the challenges of data wiping.

Every now and again you hear on the news about some police investigation having a breakthrough by recovering deleted data off of an electronic device belonging to the possible suspect. You may also hear about professional criminals who recover sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, by sifting through the …

The importance of boot partitions in Linux systems.

Over the weekend, the lab I work in experienced a power outage. After power was restored, one of our servers failed to boot. It ultimately became my responsibility to figure out if the server could be repaired and failure wasn't an option because the server was configured (with no backups …

Using internet of things to turn on a computer.

Here's a fun and quick but practical hack using a small Particle board to turn on and off a computer from anywhere over the internet. This project takes under an hour and is a good little assignment for anyone looking into learning some basic hardware hacking with useful applications. The …

Installing psad on Raspberry Pi Running Arch Linux

I've been fooling around with IDS and specifically psad and I thought it would be fun to try installing psad on my raspberry pi. Little did I know, installing psad on an ARM processor running Arch Linux with systemd is not a simple process. It took me great effort to …